St Pete Healthy News



Meg offers a FREE Fit Lot class the 2nd Friday of each month. This is a beginner friendly circuit style class at the AARP sponsored FitLot. This class is good for anyone hoping to learn a bit more about exercise. Learn more here.


Meg is a women’s health and fitness coach and certified personal trainer here in St. Pete. She specializes in supporting beginners at strength training, pre and postnatal clients, and those who want to transform their mind, body, and soul. A Massachusetts transplant, she recently moved to Gulfport with her dog and cat to live by the beach! She loves the sunshine and walks with her dog Sweetie Pie. She currently offers one-on-one coaching with clients online and training with them in person.

Meg got into the industry through her own health and fitness journey, which started in 2012. She was tired of feeling low on energy and having a routine that did not support the lifestyle she wanted to build. One step at a time, she completely transformed her life through implementing healthy habits.

In 2015, Meg was inspired by the Boston Marathon and decided to run a trail race marathon. From there, she attended personal trainer school and has been coaching and training clients since 2016. She started as a head personal trainer at a women’s weight loss gym. From there, she moved to Georgia and built her business independently. Her time back in Massachusetts last year was spent training clients at a private strength and conditioning-based gym. Her style reflects these principles: keeping it functional, strength focused, fun, and simple.

Her background in psychology and sociology and her own fitness journey have proved to be invaluable in connecting with and supporting clients. She truly has an eye for form and coaches clients through lifestyle changes to live a life they love. In the coaching relationship, clients receive the tools, skills, accountability, knowledge, and support to accomplish their goals.


If interested in connecting with Meg, you can connect with her on:

Instagram: @MeighanC.Fitness

Facebook: Meighan C. Fitness