St Pete Healthy News

October 2023

Meg offers a FREE Fit Lot class the 2nd Friday of each month. This is a beginner friendly circuit style class at the AARP sponsored FitLot. This class is good for anyone hoping to learn a bit more about exercise. Learn more here.   Meg is a women’s health and fitness coach and certified personal trainer here in St. Pete. She specializes in supporting beginners at strength training, pre and postnatal clients, and those who want to transform their mind, body, and

By Sarah Wiemert, Food Systems Planner   Healthy St. Pete is excited to be facilitating, through community participation and organizational partnership, a Healthy Food Action Plan. Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Healthy Food Action Plan will guide short- and long-term projects, partnerships, and policies that address food access issues in Healthy Food Priority Areas to promote health equity in St. Petersburg. It will improve access to and education about healthy, affordable food sources and agencies, increase the

Mental Health Matters: Building Strong Foundations in Kids By Rhenelle Mc Sween-Navarro, Community Health Program Specialist The physical well-being of children has always been given priority, but one extremely important factor that is often overlooked is mental well-being. Mental health in the world’s youth population is often forgotten, or it is thought that children do not suffer from adverse mental health issues as adults do. There are many contributing factors to a child’s mental health, so early detection and intervention is vital

By Chef Garrett, Community Health Leader As we head further into fall, it's time to excited for the family gatherings and the food that comes with the season. Cranberries always taste like the holidays. Many people consider cranberries to be a superfood due to their high nutrient and antioxidant content. In fact, research has linked the nutrients in cranberries to a lower risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) the prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, and decreased blood