St Pete Healthy News

Healthy Food & Nutrition

By Garrett Simpson, NASM-CNC, Community Health Leader   Caprese salad is a simple, refreshing Italian dish that highlights the vibrant flavors of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, drizzled with olive oil and often a touch of balsamic vinegar. This salad is not only a feast for the taste buds but also a nutritional powerhouse. Tomatoes provide a rich source of vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants like lycopene, which supports heart health and reduces inflammation. Mozzarella contributes protein and

By Garrett Simpson, NASM-CNC, Community Health Leader The summer is here and there’s no better way to cool off than with a bowl of this perfect three ingredient sorbet. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in strawberries provide important health benefits. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that may help prevent some diseases. If you don't enjoy strawberries, this recipe can easily be changed to your favorite frozen fruit, including mangos, raspberries, or blueberries. Did you know that you can find fresh,

While Pinellas County Schools are closed for the summer, the St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department, in coordination with the department’s Healthy St. Pete Division, partners with Summer BreakSpot for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. The program provides free nutritionally balanced meals to children 18 years and younger during summer break. The program runs June 3, through August 9, at several locations throughout St. Petersburg. Some locations serve breakfast and lunch, while other locations only serve lunch.

By Garrett Simpson, NASM-CNC, Community Health Leader Did you know that cherries offer a plethora of health benefits thanks to their rich array of protective plant compounds? Notably, their anti-inflammatory properties may aid in conditions such as gout, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Meanwhile, stands out for its nutrient density, boasting essential vitamins like vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber. Its gluten-free profile makes it a go-to option for those seeking alternatives to wheat flour in gluten-free baking and cooking. Additionally,

By Garrett Simpson, NASM-CNC, Community Health Leader April marks the beginning of melon season, and various melons converge to create a flavorful mix in this refreshing fruit salad. Cantaloupe steals the spotlight, delivering a hefty dose of vitamins A and C, essential for vision and immunity. Honeydew melon joins in, enriching bone health with folate, vitamin K, and magnesium. A splash of lime juice adds zing and extra vitamin C, while honey's antimicrobial properties enhance immunity. Together, these ingredients compose a potent

By Garrett Simpson, Community Health Leader   This Kale Pesto is a great way to kick off the month. As part of a heart-healthy diet, kale can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping lower LDL cholesterol or “bad cholesterol.” Kale offers an abundance of nutrients that support heart health, including potassium, fiber, folate, and calcium. Basil provides additional heart-protective benefits, containing compounds like flavonoids and polyphenols that may contribute to cardiovascular health. Garlic is known for its potential to lower

By Garrett Simpson, Community Health Leader This Pineapple Refresher is great on a hot day or if you need sweet pick me up! Pineapple is rich in vitamin C. One cup of pineapple contains 78.9 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C. It is said that pineapple can improve bone health because it contains Manganese. Manganese helps stave off osteoporosis and improve overall bone and mineral density.     Did you know that you can find fresh, affordable produce near you? Healthy St. Pete‘s Fresh Rec Stop

By Garrett Simpson, Community Health Leader For many that don’t know, December is in the middle of pomegranate season. Even though they stain my hands and clothes, I can’t get enough of that sweet and sour fruit. Pomegranates can help prevent or treat various disease risk factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, oxidative stress, hyperglycemia, and inflammatory activities. It is demonstrated that certain components of the pomegranate, such as polyphenols, have potential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticarcinogenic effects. Greek yogurt contains

By Sarah Wiemert, Food Systems Planner   Healthy St. Pete is excited to be facilitating, through community participation and organizational partnership, a Healthy Food Action Plan. Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Healthy Food Action Plan will guide short- and long-term projects, partnerships, and policies that address food access issues in Healthy Food Priority Areas to promote health equity in St. Petersburg. It will improve access to and education about healthy, affordable food sources and agencies, increase the

By Chef Garrett, Community Health Leader As we head further into fall, it's time to excited for the family gatherings and the food that comes with the season. Cranberries always taste like the holidays. Many people consider cranberries to be a superfood due to their high nutrient and antioxidant content. In fact, research has linked the nutrients in cranberries to a lower risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) the prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, and decreased blood