St Pete Healthy News

April 2024

By Rhenelle McSween-Navarro, Community Health Specialist   Mental Health Awareness Month May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time for us to pause, reflect, and raise our collective voices for this cause. In a world where mental health struggles are more prevalent than ever, this designated month serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing mental well-being, not just in May, but every day of the year. Mental health is a topic that touches all of us. Whether directly or indirectly, we’ve

By Garrett Simpson, NASM-CNC, Community Health Leader April marks the beginning of melon season, and various melons converge to create a flavorful mix in this refreshing fruit salad. Cantaloupe steals the spotlight, delivering a hefty dose of vitamins A and C, essential for vision and immunity. Honeydew melon joins in, enriching bone health with folate, vitamin K, and magnesium. A splash of lime juice adds zing and extra vitamin C, while honey's antimicrobial properties enhance immunity. Together, these ingredients compose a potent